My bathroom belongs in a horror movie...

Top Reasons to Remodel Your Bathroom


Published on 22 Oct 2021

“My bathroom is so horrible that if alive today, Alfred Hitchcock would remake The Birds into The Bathroom.” one of our past clients joked in a recent phone call about why she was so desperate to remodel her master bathroom.

We get it. Whether you think it belongs on the movie set of the next horror flick because of the outdated, hideous decore, or the simple fact that it's falling apart. Either way, you can't stand it anymore. It may be the littlest room in the house, but the embarrassment factor is very big.

BEFORE & AFTER — A typical small mid-century outdated bathroom we remodeled recently.

“In the past 30 days we’ve had nearly 150 homeowners call us about remodeling and many of those were bathrooms,” explains owner John Murphy. “So that made us curious about what’s driving so many people to undergo a bathroom remodel this year. Is it the low-interest rates or the fact that so many have been ‘Covid isolated’ within their homes for so long?”


Why are so many people remodeling right now?

One thing is for sure, when it comes to bathrooms there are at least a dozen reasons why people want to make a change for the better. In fact, according to a study released by, two-thirds of survey respondents claimed that they can no longer stand their existing bathrooms.

Okay, these are not typical to be sure. But you may look at your own bathroom and wonder, is this how others see mine? Bad is bad, and yes those are stairs.

“If you can’t stand the room you use at least twice a day, every day, well, we have a word for that. It’s called suffering,” explains Murphy with a grin and a nod. But I also think homeowners are realizing that remodels aren’t going to cost less or be easier to complete in the immediate months or even years ahead.”

Our Survey Says…

Here’s what the 2021 Houzz study found for the top 2 reasons to remodel your bathroom:

#1. Outdated (another word for embarrassing, and well, ugly)

#2. Insufficient space or storage (another way of saying it all ends up on the floor)

Here's the other top bath remodel motivators (with our comments):

              • Small showers — (That’s when you have to exit the shower in order to pick up the soap you dropped.)
              • Insufficient lighting — (For some of us older folk, poor lighting is actually our friend.)
              • Poor ventilation — (No bigger issue exists than air purity if you get our drift.)
              • Limited countertop space — (Is there enough countertop space? Ever?)
              • Glass shower doors — (You can call it a delightful “patina”, but we all know rust when we see it.)
              • Noisy fan — (When it sounds like a machine gun and you can’t hear your partner from the other room.)
              • Shower curtains — (They will never again look as good as when they left the package.)
              • Only one sink — (And only one of us gets out on time every morning.)
              • No natural light — (Again, depending on age…)
              • Toilet location — (Every good library needs its space.)
              • No bathtub — (Hard to call it a bathroom without one of those.)
We thought you'd enjoy an updated bathroom we designed and crafted to the highest standards to, well, cleanse the palette.

The ability to age in place---with dignity and ease---is another top reason homeowners are renovating their bathrooms. More than 25% of survey respondents claimed they need to remodel to address the needs of an aging family member and nearly 40% reported that they will need to accommodate an aging family member in the future.

This zero-threshold shower with grab bars we recently did is a perfect example of designing for enjoyment today and future safety tomorrow.

“Requests for aging in place remodels are growing every year,” says Murphy, “And I expect they will soon become a major segment of the bathroom projects we do. People are looking ahead and designing today’s remodel in such a way as to prepare for future inevitabilities. My knees ache just thinking about it.”