Murphy Bros. recognized with 8th Guildmaster Satisfaction Award
Why measuring client satisfaction matters.

Murphy Bros. Awarded 8th Guildmaster Honor
April 14, 2022—
For the 5th year in a row, our clients have honored us with this coveted Guildmaster satisfaction award. Since you've probably never heard of it, we thought you might be wondering why this is such a big deal. Well, here are 4 reasons why it really is a big deal and not just to us.
1. To our past clients who filled out the surveys that ranked us so high, it matters because it justifies their faith in us. And we are very grateful for that!
2. To our future clients it should matter a great deal, too. While there are no guarantees in life, having a 90% or greater chance of being satisfied with a very big investment reduces the risk of working with us to near zero. That’s big.
3. To our trade partners, who are part of nearly every remodel we do, this recognition may be the only well-deserved pat on the back they get for making us look good.
4. It matters most to our full-time staff of directors, designers, consultants, project managers, carpenters, and painters because it validates our company values and shows progress towards our goal of 95% satisfaction in 2022.
“So far this year we are at 94%. We're always aiming for 100% of course, but that's more aspirational than practical. Even so, that doesn’t mean we won’t keep trying,” states owner John Murphy.
Guildquality surveys are sent to clients following the completion of their remodel. Those results are a permanent record on our official Guildquality web page and mirrored on our website regardless of whether they are good, bad, or ugly. Our employees are notified of survey results so we might celebrate our work and continue to improve.

The Guildmaster award recognizes the top 400 companies nationwide that maintain a 90% or greater satisfaction rating and would be personally recommended to a friend.
GuildQuality, an independent research firm operating since 2005, recognizes companies annually for demonstrating exceptional customer service within the residential construction industry.