Murphy Bros. is 209 in Qualified Remodeler TOP 500 for 2023
"Any time you improve nearly 100 ranking points in company performance in one year people take notice,” said Murphy Bros. President Ben Murphy."
Murphy Bros. #209 in top 500 nationally
We jumped from #300 to #209 in one year!Congratulations to staff and clients!
Qualified Remodeler, a leading publication serving remodelers and home improvement companies in the U.S., has ranked Murphy Bros. Design | Build | Remodel as the No. 209 on its 45th annual TOP 500 remodelers of 2023.
“Any time you improve nearly 100 ranking points in company performance in one year people take notice,” said Murphy Bros. President Ben Murphy. “I am so very proud of our staff and trusting clients who have propelled us from #300 the previous year to #209. We are growing and performing at the highest level in our 40-year history,” concluded Murphy.

Murphy Bros. was chosen as a 2023 Top 500 remodeler by the Qualified Remodeler editorial staff for meeting a set of criteria including installed remodeling dollar volume, total years in business, industry association membership, industry certification, industry awards, and community service.
Since 1978, the QR TOP 500 has tracked the industry’s largest and fastest-growing companies. In 2023, the TOP 500 represented over $20 billion in remodeling sales volume and nearly two million jobs.
“Based on Qualified Remodeler’s analysis, the Top 500 firms tend to share several common attributes, including strong revenues, a commitment to customer service, insightful sales techniques, and strong customer loyalty,” says Qualified Remodeler owner and editorial director, Patrick O’Toole. “These attributes helped put the firms on this list and contribute to their success.”
Additional information on the Top 500 can be found in the July/August issue of Qualified Remodeler and at text.