Homeowner Pessimism Hits 10-Year High!

What's the impact among homeowners considering a remodel?


Published on 29 Dec 2015

For homeowners, 2021 have been something like a cross between armageddon and the gold rush of 1849. Bewildering doesn't quite cover it.

So, when Fanny Mae’s (HPSI) Home Purchase Sentiment Index came out showing the greatest economic pessimism among homeowners in 10 years we thought a little perspective is in order.

For that perspetive, we turned to our owner John Murphy to talk about pricing, supply chain issues, and what homeowners should consider in 2022 regarding the decision to remodel or move in this first of three short videos.

In this short video John Murphy talks about the cost of waiting and an example from his own past.

In this video, owner John Murphy talks about supply chain disruptions and how to deal with them in your next remodel.